Tales of Hopeless, Maine

Created by Keith Errington

Stories and souvenirs from the island of Hopeless, Maine

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Exclusive new Story from Tom & Nimue
almost 4 years ago – Sun, Apr 11, 2021 at 01:40:30 AM

Super Stretch Goal!

I know in my last update I was promoting the new Hopeless Maine Kickstarter for the hardback graphic novel - and with Kickstarter updates, you never want to push too hard, but they have now announced some excellent stretch goals including an exclusive new short story from Tom and Nimue - see below – that I thought some of you might not want to miss. 

There are just two weeks remaining to back the project which is currently 114% funded already! Check out Hopeless, Maine: The Graphic Novel

An exclusive short story from Tom and Nimue Brown offered as a new stretch goal for Hopeless Maine


More Metaphysical Madness!

For fans of the mysterious, I’d like to give a shout out to another Kickstarter from the wonderful Madeleine Holly-Rosing over at the Boston Metaphysical Society - check out The Book of Demons.

Boston Metaphysical Society: The Book of Demons


What I'm backing!

Finally, I’m a big personal fan of Arcane Sally & Mr. Steam - now offering a Kickstarter for Issue 6 (and a chance in the pledge levels to catch up if you missed the excellent earlier issues). 

Arcane Sally & Mr. Steam #6

Thanks for reading,

Keith Errington

Latest news from Hopeless, Maine
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 11:26:28 AM

News from Hopeless, Maine

Well, it's been quite a while since our last update, and even longer since our Tales of Hopeless Maine Kickstarter that you very kindly backed, but we have do have some fresh news that you might be interested in!

Firstly, in case you missed the announcement last September, Hopeless Maine has been picked up by Outland Entertainment– an independent publisher of comics, fiction and games based in Kansas City, Missouri. This is a very exciting development as they will be able to bring the world of Hopeless, Maine to the United States and beyond.

But the big news is that the first result of this new partnership is a fabulous Kickstarter for a hardback copy of the first graphic novel which is live now!

Hopeless, Maine Book one: Personal Demons - Hardback edition and digital version

So if you haven’t picked up a copy of the first Hopeless, Maine graphic novel, or fancy a lovely hardback edition – pop over to the Kickstarter page.

And even if you have the graphic novel you may want to keep an eye on the Kickstarter for a whole batch of rather exciting stretch goals.

This is just the first in a planned series of Kickstarters introducing the world of Hopeless, Maine to the US market – expect graphic novels, books and games too!


In our last update we talked about our plans for a Hopeless Maine film – sadly the global pandemic has slowed our progress on that front – so many fellow creators are having to concentrate on keeping their heads above water and earning a living in these trying times. But it is still ongoing and once things are slightly more normal here in the UK we will push on.


Otherwise, we have lots of exciting projects we are working on – I’ve been working on a book with Nimue that I am very excited about, featuring one of my favourite characters from the Hopeless Vendetta blogs.

And I’ve contributed a short story - Not for the Faint Hearted– to the website in three parts, which was inspired by a conversation about the differences between a faint and a swoon in the Victorian era.

You can check out part one here: Not for the Faint Hearted - Part One: a beginning and an end

Part two: Not for the Faint Hearted – Part Two: a statistical anomaly and an investigation

And part three: Not for the Faint Hearted – Part Three: a flashback and a finale


We have more exciting plans afoot – but for now I’ll leave you with some of Tom’s fabulous artwork for… well, you’ll just have to wait!

Cover artwork for...

News from Hopeless, Maine!
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 02:17:56 PM

It’s been a while – but I then don’t like endless streams of updates for no reason! However, we now have a whole bunch of exciting news to pass on to you, our wonderful fans and supporters of Hopeless Maine.

Firstly, (let’s get the sales bit out of the way) don’t forget that the BackerKit shop is still open for business if you’d like to add to your Hopeless Maine collection – we will be adding some more new items soon.

Secondly, if you haven’t visited the Hopeless Maine Vendetta for a while, then you should definitely check it out. As well as all the Early Bird backer Obituaries, beautifully, quirkily and humorously penned by Nimue Brown, there have been some excellent contributions from third parties including a poem from author Craig Hallam, and a tale from Meredith Debonnaire – both of which will be of interest to fans of Annemarie Nightshade.

Thirdly, and the most exciting news is that there is a Hopeless Maine film in the planning. Here’s our official statement from the Hopeless Maine Facebook page:

We've been teasing for a while now that there's a big project underway. It's a film. We're in the process of making a Hopeless Maine film – live-action with puppets. It is very early days, but we are greatly excited about the whole thing. It will be a silent film with a soundtrack, and we have an amazing team of people working on it. We've been exploring the idea for more than six months at this point. We now have a script. In the coming months, we'll be posting content about how we got to here, and then more as we saunter forwards. Thank you (in advance) for coming with us. There will be tentacles.

Fourthly, look out for this RPG game Tiny Cthulhu, launching soon on Kickstarter which Tom drew the cover for – definitely of interest if you are into Lovecraft and elder gods!

Fifthly, we are… oh, sorry, can’t reveal this one just yet! But it’s big!

Sixthly… is sixthly even a thing? Anyway – we always like to finish on some wonderful art, so here is the cover for the next Hopeless, Maine graphic novel Optimists – the penultimate book in the series. This post will tell you more about the image.

Hopeless, Maine Optimists Cover Artwork

All Rewards shipped!
about 5 years ago – Thu, Nov 14, 2019 at 11:06:41 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.

Excitement reaches fever pitch!
about 5 years ago – Tue, Nov 05, 2019 at 04:49:43 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.